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Better Business (GE) (4版)
New to this Edition
Emphasize key topics in business
1. “The List” feature has been updated with new ones where appropriate that reflect current market trends, with a focus on selecting topics that appeal to students.
2. Boxed features have been added in many chapters with topics such as Keurig’s monopolistic market presence, Patagonia’s corporate responsibility, Augmented Reality, Hard Lessons on Social Media, Dove’s Real Beauty advertising campaign, and Advertising and child obesity.
3. All of the end-of-chapter materials have been reviewed and modified. 25% of these materials include the most recent events and trends in the business environment. The fourth edition of Better Business provides instructors with wide-ranging choices for discussion topics, assessment questions, and group activities that cover the most current and timely topics in the business community, such as major economic shifts, changes in technologies, and ever-increasing globalization.
Keep your course current and relevant
1. Social Media Coverage. One of the most significant shifts in the business environment since the first edition is the explosive growth of social media in all parts of business. The fourth edition of Better Business continues to feature social media strategies and technologies in over 85% of its chapters, as well as significant updates to the technology chapter.
2. All of the time-sensitive material has been updated. Stories and examples from the previous editions that have continued to evolve have been updated and placed in the most current context. Timely examples have replaced older material, continuing to give Better Business an up-to-date feel that resonates with students.
作者: Michael R. Solomon, Mary Anne Poatsy, Kendall Martin
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/11/02
- 語言:英文